I had the great pleasure of working with crep protect the famous sneaker care brand based in London.
 They asked me to redesign their old "how to" illustrations for the launch of their rebranded website. You can see the reel products below👇
 Below is an example of the old explainer illustrations they sent me👇
 After talking together we choosed a direction. Here is what we did 👍
 ☁️ I tried to explore some little animations too. That's  basic but i like it ☁️
Personal sneakers illustrations
The reason why they contacted me for this project is because they saw my sneakers illustrations i did since years now. I encourage you to always do personal projects and explore and share. You never know. That could open unexpected doors along the way. 
A little timelapse of my process on Photoshop
The two following illustrations i made as an hommage to the collaboration of nike and maison chateau rouge. Love the collab very much so i did this.
Back in 2013, i was just in my first years as freelance illustrator when i started the following project. 
I learned a lot working on this and still love it.
You can find many more of my explorations on my instagram ✨
For inquiry : romaintrystram@gmail.com
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