I was commissioned by ARKEMA to make a series of illustrations for the anual report of 2022 called "innovative"
Art direction : Paul Groves - wcie
Agent : Tim Higgs - making pictures
Illustrations : Romain Trystram

ARKEMA describes its mission as being a company committed to the challenges of sustainable development: new energies and energy transition, electric cars, biosourced materials and paints, recycling.

We are working with wind turbine manufacturers for a new generation of 100% recyclable blades made with our material.

We know how to make high performance plastics from plants and we know how to recycle all our plastics.

We believe in the future of a new generation of bio-sourced fuels and the development of hydrogen energy.

To lighten transport we manufacture structural adhesives which bring as much solidity as screws and rivets and more lightness!

Our materials contribute to the manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles on the way to becoming as efficient as internal combustion vehicles… with fewer emissions.

Our polyamide powder materials and Sartomer resins for 3D-printing reinvent everyday objects.

At the beginning of each project there is always a reflection phase to try to understand together which direction to take. It always goes through the first sketches that help us discuss and correct to arrive at the selected images.

below is a gallery of preparatory images that were not selected but helped us find the right ones.

Thank you for waching 👍
For all inquiry : romaintrystram@gmail.com